Explore all the regulations available within the Regulativ Platform

Our AI driven Platform delivers efficient and effective compliance solutions, including Industry Standard Regulations, DORA, NIS2, Cyber assessments, Country specific regulatory compliances, internal and external audits, Third Party Risk Management and VAPT services.

Industry Standard Regulations and Frameworks

Payment Regulations

Operational Resilience Regulations and Guidelines

Saudi Arabia Regulations

Country specific regulations and frameworks

AI Regulations and Frameworks

Industry Regulations

Regulativ offers tailored solutions for compliance, risk management and regulatory reporting, ensuring businesses in the regulated market industry meet stringent standards and avoid costly penalties.

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ISO 27001

This audit verifies compliance with ISO 27001 standards for information security management systems. Regulativ.ai ensures that clients meet these global standards, enhancing trust and data protection.

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ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a quality management system audit. It checks if a company's processes meet international quality standards. This ensures their products and services are consistent and meet customer needs.

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SOC2 + CPA Audit

SOC2 reports assess security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy controls. Regulativ.ai enables clients to align with best practices, ensuring confidence from auditors and customers.

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The National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework helps organizations manage and reduce cybersecurity risks. Regulativ.ai supports clients in achieving compliance, thus improving cybersecurity measures.

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The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects patient data. Regulativ.ai guides healthcare organizations in maintaining compliance, ensuring patient information security and privacy.

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governs data privacy for EU citizens. Regulativ.ai assists businesses in adhering to GDPR, minimizing the risk of heavy fines and data breaches.

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Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) ensures secure credit card transactions. Regulativ.ai ensures that clients’ payment systems are fully compliant, preventing breaches in payment data.

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SOC1 + CPA Audit

SOC1 focuses on the financial reporting controls of service organizations. Regulativ.ai enables clients to comply with SOC1 requirements and audit processes, reinforcing trust with stakeholders.

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Cyber Essentials (UK)

This UK-based certification ensures protection against common cyber threats. Regulativ.ai supports clients in meeting these essential requirements, securing a foundational level of cybersecurity.

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Global Payments Attestations handled within Regulativ Platform

PCI DSS is a set of security standards designed to protect credit card data. It outlines requirements for businesses that handle, store, or transmit cardholder information, ensuring a secure environment for transactions. Compliance with PCI DSS is mandatory for those accepting or processing credit cards.

PSD2 is a European Union regulation that aims to make electronic payments more secure and innovative. It requires banks to allow third-party payment providers to access customer accounts with their consent. This opens up opportunities for new financial services but also raises concerns about security and data protection.

SWIFT CSP - The SWIFT CSP mandates all SWIFT users to attest their compliance with the Customer Security Controls Framework(CSCF), which includes a set of mandatory and advisory controls. This initiative aims to enhance the cybersecurity posture of the global financial community by increasing the cyber maturity of its members. The CSP is structured around securing the local environment, preventing and detecting fraud in commercial relationships, and continuously sharing information to defend against cyber threats.

CHAPS, operated by the Bank of England, has a 'trust and verify' approach, where Direct Participants must self-attest to their compliance with CHAPS rules and requirements. This process involves declaring instances of non-compliance and the Bank may also seek to verify certain areas. Compliance with technical and operational requirements is ongoing, including access to the SWIFT network and appropriate interfaces for message processing.

TARGET2 users are required to submit a self-attestation concerning the protection of their SWIFT infrastructure as part of the SWIFT CSP. This self-attestation is a measure against increasing risks of cyber-attacks in the financial world, aiming to reinforce the security of the global financial community.

FedLine, operated by the US Federal Reserve Banks, is a suite of electronic payment solutions pivotal to the U.S. financial infrastructure, facilitating efficient, reliable, and secure transactions. To bolster the security and resilience of this critical system, the Federal Reserve has instituted the FedLine Solutions Security and Resiliency Assurance Program. This comprehensive program mandates all financial institutions utilizing FedLine services to conduct an annual self-assessment of their compliance with specific FedLine security requirements.

Lynx, from the Bank of Canada, mandates participants to meet comprehensive regulatory, financial, cyber security, and operational requirements. Participants must qualify for Payments Canada membership, adhere to risk-based Canadian prudential regulation, and are required to attest to meeting the Bank’s cyber security requirements.

Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) in Europe aims to harmonize electronic payments across the EU, making cross-border payments as easy as domestic ones. Participants must ensure compliance with EU regulations, including the Payment Services Directive (PSD/PSD2).

Operational Resilience Regulations

EU DORA Act, UK's ORF, Australia's ARPA
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Supported Regulations


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Struggling with Saudi Regulations?
Check out the Saudi regulations we support

SDAIA NDMO (Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority National Data Management Office) - Oversees data governance in Saudi Arabia, promoting data sharing between government entities while ensuring privacy and security. It aims to enhance data-driven decision-making and support the country's digital transformation goals.
PDPL (Personal Data Protection Law) – Saudi Arabia's comprehensive data protection law, implemented in 2023. It regulates the collection, processing and storage of personal data, defining rights for data subjects and obligations for data controllers and processors within the kingdom.
NCA DCC (National Cybersecurity Authority Data Classification Controls) - Establishes guidelines for classifying and protecting data based on sensitivity levels. It helps organizations implement appropriate security measures for different types of data, enhancing overall cybersecurity posture in Saudi Arabia.
NCA ECC (National Cybersecurity Authority Essential Cybersecurity Controls) – Defines minimum cybersecurity requirements for organizations in Saudi Arabia. It covers areas such as asset management, access control, incident response and business continuity, aiming to improve the nation's overall cybersecurity resilience.
SAMA (Saudi Central Bank) Cybersecurity Framework – Provides guidelines for financial institutions to manage cybersecurity risks. It covers governance, risk assessment, security operations and incident response, ensuring the protection of financial data and systems in Saudi Arabia.
CITC (Communications and Information Technology Commission) Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework – Establishes cybersecurity standards for telecom and IT service providers in Saudi Arabia. It covers risk management, asset protection, incident handling and compliance, aiming to safeguard critical communication infrastructure.

Country Specific Regulations

Some of the country specific regulations are listed below. If your specific regulation is not listed please get in touch with us as we would be able to support it.

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HKMA (Hong Kong)

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is Hong Kong's central bank and financial regulator. It maintains currency stability, promotes banking stability and integrity, and manages the Exchange Fund to maintain Hong Kong's status as an international financial center.

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BaFIN (Germany)

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFIN) is Germany's financial regulatory authority. It supervises banks, insurance companies, and financial services providers. BaFIN aims to ensure the stability and integrity of the German financial system, protecting consumers and investors.

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MAS (Singapore)

The Monetary Authority of Singapore serves as Singapore's central bank and financial regulatory authority. It manages Singapore's exchange rate, regulates the financial sector and works to promote sustained economic growth through sound monetary policy and financial stability.

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FSMA (Belgium)

The Financial Services and Markets Authority oversees Belgium's financial markets and listed companies. It protects consumers of financial products, ensures the fair treatment of financial consumers, and maintains confidence in the financial markets.

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OFSI (Canada)

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions is Canada's primary financial regulator. It supervises federally regulated financial institutions and pension plans to protect depositors, policyholders and pension plan members, while allowing institutions to compete and take reasonable risks.

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The Financial Conduct Authority regulates financial firms and markets in the UK. It aims to protect consumers, maintain market integrity, and promote competition. The FCA has the power to investigate organizations and individuals and enforce regulations.

Embrace peace of mind knowing your compliance management is in good hands. Contact Regulativ.ai today and elevate your regulatory compliance to the next level.

AI Regulations

We champion robust AI regulations and management to minimize risks and ensure safe, responsible adoption, empowering organizations to harness AI's potential while protecting against unintended consequences.


The EU AI Act is a ground breaking piece of legislation designed to regulate artificial intelligence within the European Union. Its primary goal is to ensure that AI systems are developed and used in a way that is ethical, safe, and transparent. The Act establishes specific requirements for different types of AI, including those used in high-risk applications like healthcare and autonomous vehicles.


NIST AI RMF is a voluntary framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to help organizations manage the risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI). It provides a set of guidelines for designing, developing, using, and evaluating AI systems in a trustworthy and responsible manner.

ISO 42001

ISO 42001 is an upcoming international standard focused on the governance of artificial intelligence (AI). It aims to provide guidelines for the ethical, responsible, and effective use of AI, addressing concerns like transparency, accountability, and fairness, thereby ensuring that AI systems are trustworthy and aligned with human values.

Colorado SB21-169

Colorado SB21-169 is a law that prevents insurance companies from using AI algorithms in a way that unfairly discriminates against consumers. It ensures that AI-powered decision-making processes in the insurance industry are equitable and unbiased. This law aims to protect consumers from being denied coverage or charged higher premiums based on discriminatory factors.

NYC Local Law No. 144

NYC Local Law No. 144 mandates that employers using AI-driven tools for hiring or promotions must conduct annual bias audits. Effective from July 2023, it aims to ensure fairness by requiring transparency about these tools' impact on protected classes, addressing potential discrimination in automated employment decision-making processes.

NAIC Model Law

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners model law development process helps provide uniformity while balancing the needs of insurers operating in multiple jurisdictions with the unique nature of state judicial, legislative and regulatory frameworks.

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